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Welcome to the chat of channel TH-Corner!

Here you can chat on various topics except prohibited ones, as well as discuss my work. Don't Be A Bastard! - the main rule. Violation of this rule is a kick from the group.

Some explanations.

  1. Susanna and Nichtozhestvo are local bots. Susanna is a "bridge" between Telegram and IRC channel, and broadcasts messages on both sides. also, the IRC channel has a special fun functionality built in - do not be surprised by messages like !who ets.
  2. RouZy - my second IRC nickname, don't be surprised if I write from it sometimes.
  3. I will erase inadequate (aggressive, unreasoned) criticism. If the author of the criticism persists - ban / kick.
  4. Futanari publishing prohibited. There are those who dislike this content.

What is "OUT OF THE LAW" here:

  1. SJW. Do not provoke conflicts on the basis of protecting the rights of someone or something. These topics are suppressed by a ban or kick.
  2. Politics topic under a strict taboo.
  3. PonyTown, Pony Creator and fairy (russian name of Pony Creator fans and alicorn big fans).
  4. Toxicity. If someone has problems - you can share it. But before to say - you need think how it looks from the outside. Otherwise - ban / delete..
  5. Hating towards cultures is taboo.

Revision of Rules: v100

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