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Kok Read Terminal Horse's appeal to you!

It so happened that in our age of progress and technology, people need money, and every year this need is growing, reaching almost astronomical numbers. This is all capitalism - money rules the world. Sooner or later, this, of course, will be corrected, but so far the prospects are not bright, especially after the onset of COVID-19. Many who have gone into the red because of a sudden pandemic and everything can not get out because of the impudent manufacturers and the state.

If you have the desire and opportunity to help - then why not? I am always open to voluntary donations and cooperation.

Where will the money be directed :

  1. First of all, for living and food, of course!
  2. To upgrade existing equipment, buy new ;
  3. Buying clothes, shoes ;
  4. Server machine maintenance ;
  5. Internet payment;
  6. Other expenses: sweets, games, etc.

You can donate a certain amount of money using the following requisites:


By donating a certain amount of money to me, you do not get any privileges and buns and it will always be so. My work is free and I do not want to produce "under-elite with rogues" in my audience.

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